School-Based Anxiety and Mental Health Coaching Statistics
GAD-7 Results
The following are the average scores for students using the GAD-7. The GAD-7 is a scale that is commonly used to give an idea of how severe a person is experiencing anxiety based on their answers. Typically, they are scaled using the following:
0-4 = Minimal Anxiety
5-9 = Mild Anxiety
10-14 = Moderate Anxiety
15-21= Severe Anxiety
2022-2023 Data
During the end of the 2022-2023 school year, We R H.O.P.E.’s second batch of GAD-7 data includes 346 students across 18 schools in total that received GAD-7 surveys at intake, 30 days, 60 days, 90, 120 days, and exit with We R H.O.P.E. coaches. On average, students began with a score of 9.9 on the first GAD-7 that they took at intake and finished with a 5.1 on the last GAD-7 administered after their last coaching session after their exit from coaching.
During the mid-2022-2023 school year, We R H.O.P.E.’s First batch of GAD-7 data includes 566 students in total that received GAD-7 surveys at intake, 30 days, 60 days, 90, 120 days, and exit with We R H.O.P.E. coaches. On average, students began with a score of 9.6 on the first GAD-7 that they took at intake and finished with a 5.3 on the last GAD-7 administered after their last coaching session after their exit from coaching.
BHS Results
The Behavioral Health Screen Assessment was developed in partnership with CHOP (Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia), University of Pennsylvania, and mdlogix. The assessment is to help give families, schools, and We R H.O.P.E. staff the information in the betterment of student’s services and supports 2 Behavioral Health Screens.
*The following charts consist of Intake and Exit Screeners. The final data for the year will have Intake, Exit, and total numbers.*
Behavioral Domains:
Depression, Anxiety, Suicide Lifetime, Suicide Current, Trauma, Eating Disorder.
Scoring Range:
0-1.15= Not Significant
1.16-4= Significant Anxiety
0-0-36= Not significant
37-1.28= Mild Depression
1.29-1.61= Moderate Depression
1.62-4= Severe Depression
Eating Disorder:
0-2 Not Significant
2.1-4= At risk for Eating Disorder
Suicide Lifetime:
0-0.99= No History
1-4= History of Suicide Ideation
Suicide Current:
0-0.99= No Current Suicide Ideation
1-4= Currently at risk for Suicide
0-0.94= Not Significant
0.95-4= At risk for PTSD
*The data shown are Behavioral Health Screens that have shown significant items based on the scoring of the survey*
2021-2022 Data
During the end of the 2021-2022 school year, We R H.O.P.E.’s second batch of GAD-7 data includes 255 students in total that received GAD-7 surveys at intake, 30 days, 60 days, 90, 120 days, and exit with We R H.O.P.E. coaches. On average, students began with a score of 9.7 on the first GAD-7 that they took at intake and finished with a 5.7 on the last GAD-7 administered after their last coaching session after their exit from coaching.

During the mid-2021-2022 school year, We R H.O.P.E. has served 230 students in total that received GAD-7 surveys at intake, 30 days, 60 days, and 90 days with We R H.O.P.E. coaches. On average, students began with a score of 13.2 on the first GAD-7 that they took at intake and finished with a 3 on the last GAD-7 administered after their last coaching session after 90 days.

2020-2021 Data
During the 2020-2021 school year, We R H.O.P.E. served 48 students in total that received two GAD-7 surveys. On average, students began with a score of 9.8 on the first GAD-7 that they took at the beginning of their coaching sessions and finished with a 6.0 on the last GAD-7 administered after their last coaching session.

The questions do not officially determine or diagnose a student/person with depression. They are used as a guide. Some ways to help guide these symptoms/numbers are:
- Meets criteria for Major depressive episode: Anhedonia or dysphoria nearly every day for the past two weeks, plus symptoms in an additional 4 DSM symptom groups noted as occurring nearly every day for the past two weeks.
- Probable major depressive episode: Anhedonia or dysphoria nearly every day for the past two weeks, plus symptoms in an additional 3 DSM symptom groups reported as occurring either nearly every day for the past two weeks, or 5-7 days in the past week;
- Possible major depressive episode: Anhedonia or dysphoria nearly every day for the past two weeks, plus symptoms in an additional 2 other DSM symptom groups reported as occurring either nearly every day for the past two weeks, or 5-7 days in the past week.
- Subthreshold depression symptoms: People who have a CESD-style score of at least 16 but do not meet above criteria.
- No clinical significance: People who have a total CESD-style score less than 16 across all 20 questions.
During 2020-2021, We R H.O.P.E. served 48 students in total that received two CESD-R surveys. On average, students began with a score of 28 on the first CESD-R that they took at the beginning of their coaching sessions and finished with a 24.8 on the last CESD-R administered after their last coaching session.

2022 Upper Valley Youth Wellness Retreat Statistics
During the 2022 Upper Valley Youth Wellness Retreat in July, We R H.O.P.E. surveyed 54 participants using the GAD-7. On average, retreat participants began with a score of 8.03 on the first GAD-7 that they took at the beginning of the retreat and finished with a score of 4.62 on the last GAD-7 administered at the end of the retreat.
2021 Upper Valley Youth Wellness Retreat Statistics
During the 2021 Upper Valley Youth Wellness Retreat in July, We R H.O.P.E. surveyed 30 participants using the GAD-7. On average, retreat participants began with a score of 9.4 on the first GAD-7 that they took at the beginning of the retreat and finished with a score of 7.8 on the last GAD-7 administered at the end of the retreat.